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ApexDC++ 1.5.8

O. James Samson - September 27, 2013

23423423414213124Want to easily access and share information from multiple computers? What you need is ApexDC++.

What is the big deal about this program?

ApexDC++ is a direct connects service that actually allows you to connect to a number of other computers on the same network and exchange information with those computers in a way that makes it much faster. It is an innovative client that you can use for the DC++ service.

It allows you to use a block list manager to make sure that offenders of the system are not on your list to download from and it allows you a level of control and customization rarely used with these types of things.  It allows you to use a block list manager to make sure that offenders of the system are not on your list to download from and it allows you a level of control and customization rarely used with these types of things.  It has a user friendly interface, is frequently updated.

Some of the features of this program are:Support for PeerGuardian binary list formats (P2Bv1, P2Bv2, P2Bv3 code taken from libp2p, with few minor modifications). PeerGuardian List Viewer. Auto-open hubs OP Chat. Toolbar positions are now saved. Explorer like locking of toolbars (added a toolbar context menu, toolbar and media toolbar toggles as well) and a host of others.

ApexDC++, the publisher of this application, has added some changes to this version. They are: Upload progress bars display accurate percentage completion between ApexDC++ users (experimental). Fixed: KEYP address was cut when clicking on hub address in chat. Fixed: Tray password protection issues (issue #335). Changed: Update check backend improvements and Changed: Mandatory updates migrated to use Update check window.


Though a lot faster that torrent, DC++ on the other hand has limited connectivity that requires a network.
To find out more about ApexDC++, please go to

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