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USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM) (32-bit)

O. James Samson - January 27, 2014

Do you want a program that will give you control over Windows’ drive letter assignment for USB drives? Then find out more about what a program like USBDLM has to offer.

What is USB Drive Letter Manager?

USBDLM is a Windows service that gives control over Windows’ drive letter assignment for USB drives. Running as service makes it independent of the logged on user’s privileges, so there is no need to give the users the privilege to change drive letters. It automatically solves conflicts between USB drives and network or subst drives of the currently logged on user. Furthermore you can define new default letters for USB drives and much more.

USBDLM enables you to check if the letter is used by a network share of the currently logged on user and assign the next letter that is really available. Other amazing things you can do with the program include the following: reserve letters, so they are not used for local drives; assign letters for a specific USB drive by putting an INI file on the drive; remove the drive letters of card readers until a card is inserted; and a couple of others.

A couple of changes have also been made to this version to include the following: Bug fix: since V4.8.0 USBDLM crashed on arrival of a drive which does not respond within 2 seconds; crash UsbDriveInfo if started without a USBDLM.INI have been fixed; and command interface returned errors on success has also been taken care of.

Any downside?

The program has a 30 day trial limitation. Full version would cost you $15.

Want to check it out? Visit

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