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Dexter 4.2

O. James Samson - February 20, 2014

Are you looking for an audio editor tool for your music production that supports several popular audio formats and features audio CD burning? Then this review is just what you need because it has information about a program called Dexter.

What is Dexter all about?

Dexter is an audio editor tool for your music production that supports several popular audio formats and features audio CD burning. It provides cool and easy-to-use interface that allow you to edit an audio file visually (Cut, Copy, Select, Delete Silence, Paste, Paste from File, Mix, Mix from file); apply different effects (Amplify, Compressor, Delay, Envelope Equaliser, Expander, Fade, Flanger, Invert, Normalise, Phaser, Reverb, Reverse, Silence, Stretch, Trim, Vibrator, Chorus, Pitch Shift); etc.

Latest changes made to Dexter include the following: new text to speech feature; amplify feature improvement (users may now increase or decrease sound volume in dB scaling; fade in/out feature improvement with the options to set initial and final amplification; new Waveform settings (frequency, channel) will be saved and remembered; improved preset editor for amplify, fade in, and fade out; and several other improvements and fixes.

Any downside?

Dexter has a 9 day trial limitation; though, the trial period should have been more than just 9 days. Full version costs $45.

Want to check it out? Visit AudioEditor.

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