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Cameyo 2.6.1220

O. James Samson - July 14, 2014

Now you can turn or transform all your favorite programs into portable applications and take them wherever you go. That is simplicity at its best, and that is what you get plus more with Cameyo. You can find out more about this program that allows you to take your program anywhere in your DropBox or on your USB disk.

What is the big deal Cameyo?

Cameyo is an application that ensures that applications are isolated from your computer, which brings a lot of stability. It also means no traces on your system, and also means your computer does not slow down or have any of such problems.

We all know that creating a virtual application requires physical installation of that application, as part of a process that is known as ‘packaging’ or ‘sequencing’, and has to be done on a clean machine. With Cameyo, you don’t have to go through this anymore. Cameyo’s Online Packager allows you to package apps simply with your browser. All you need is to provide is the installer you wish to package.

However, the Online Packager requires a free Cameyo account, and only works with installers that support unattended (silent) installation mode.

Want to check it out? Visit Cameyo.

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2 Responses to “Cameyo 2.6.1220”

  1. Angel Says:

    Hi, James,

    What is your contact info?

  2. OJ Says:

    You can leave any info you want right here

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