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SpiderOak 5.1.6

O. James Samson - July 24, 2014

Cloud services are becoming more and more popular these days with companies offering both free and paid access. It means that you can now choose between the best cloud service providers and not have to restrict your choice to only a few that won’t even meet up to your standard. SpiderOak is a cloud service that has some unique features to help you save your files in the cloud.

What’s SpiderOak?

SpiderOak provides an easy, secure and consolidated free online backup, sync, sharing, access & storage solution for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. SpiderOak provides the ability to utilize cloud technologies while retaining your right to privacy. The privacy environment ensures only you can see your data. No one else can gain access, which is an orientation that makes it impossible for your trust to be betrayed.

Some of its features are not much different from what most of us already know. They include: automatically back-up everything, or select specific folders to back up at a scheduled time; SpiderOak creates an easy way to sync data between your phones, laptops, and tablets; you can use SpiderOak to put multiple folders into a share and/or send a direct link to a file, anytime.

Want to check it out? Visit

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