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Prey for Windows 1.3.9

O. James Samson - April 15, 2015

Laptop and phone thefts are common these days; and so what happens when you suddenly can’t find your system? The thought of losing your files and vital personal information to a laptop or phone thieves could drive one crazy. There are lots of apps designed to ease these searches and probably help you recover stolen or lost laptops or phones these days. Prey for Windows is one, and it has some features designed for that purpose.

What is the big deal about Prey?

Prey helps you track and find your laptop or phone if it ever gets out of sight. You can quickly find out what the thief looks like, what he’s doing on your device and actually where he’s hiding by using GPS or WiFi geopositioning. It’s payback time.

Prey works on all major operating systems, so it allow you to keep track and trigger actions on all your devices from a single place. Like a universal remote control, but for gadgets. Other features of Prey include: prevents unauthorized access to your laptop; and sensitive data is gathered only when you request it, and is for your eyes only — nothing is sent without your permission.

Want to check it out? Visit:

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