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Sublime Text 3.0 Build 3083 Beta

O. James Samson - August 27, 2015

Looking for a text editor that supports plain text and programming languages (including HTML)? Have you tried Sublime Text before? It is a program that supports some very powerful features that experienced users will find perfect for most of the things they wish to do.

What’s Sublime Text?

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, HTML and prose. The software has a slick user interface and extraordinary features. Some of the features in the program include Minimap, Multiple Selection, Python Plugins, Code Snippets, and more. Sublime also features fully customizable key bindings, menus and toolbar. TextMate themes and snippets are also supported. It also supports anything a programmer might need, with simple interface and any key combination binding. Regular expression search and replace are also supported.

With the multiple selection features, you can make ten changes at the same time, not one change ten times. Multiple selections allow you to interactively change many lines at once, rename variables with ease, and manipulate files faster than ever.

Sublime Text is a program designed for advanced users, and may take some time to get used to.

Want to check it out? Visit

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