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Print Inspector 7.0.2

O. James Samson - November 23, 2011

Print Inspector is a print management and auditing solution for your LAN. The application allows you manage print jobs queued to any shared printer and provides easy access to the printer and print server settings. Print Inspector also saves to a database statistics about all printed documents (document name, number of pages, name of the user who created the job, computer name etc.). The collected data can be exported to CSV format or used for creating reports. There have been a couple of changes made to this version in review. Some of these changes and updates include the following; it is now possible to update printing costs on all printers at once, addition of option to produce flat reports not grouped by printer, fixing of issues that have to do with stalled jobs that remain in the queue for extended period of time, filter made persistent and it survives application restart, and a couple of others.

Print Inspector lets you manage the print jobs queued to a printer. You can pause or cancel any job, view the printed document properties, resume the job or restart it. It also makes it possible to automatically suspend newly submitted jobs for selective printing, which can be useful in a busy environment like a library or Internet cafe.

The price is a bit high, but users can have a go at this program basically because it includes a couple of new changes.

Want to check it out? Visit SoftPerfect.

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