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OneSwarm for Windows 0.7

O. James Samson - August 24, 2010

Personally I always have a lot of reservation when it comes to p2p file sharing on the Internet. I love to keep my system free from anything that would compromise the security and privacy of my system; and I am pretty sure some of you do as well. So, I have not really been a fan of many p2p programs out there for privacy reasons. Considering that OneSwarm for Windows 0.7 is a new program out to do something a bit different, I think it deserves some few attentions. However, that is not to say I am totally against online privacy because this program might just be kicking against private file sharing.

OneSwarm for Windows 0.7 is a p2p application that provides you with some measure of control over your privacy. With this application, you can determine how data is shared or transferred. No more indiscriminate sharing of files and data as many p2p users are already used to. The term p2p takes a different name; this time it is called f2f; friend-to-friend. You share your date openly with friends and those you know openly, leaving out others.

For fans of p2p applications all over the world, they are going to have some big issues against this one. All the same, it is a great idea, and who says it can win some few fans for itself? However,

OneSwarm for Windows 0.7 still helps you to forward your data through multiple intermediaries, sometimes shielding your identity.

Since it is an open source, there is absolutely no harm in giving it a try!

Want to check it out? Visit Oneswarm

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