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Time2Play 1.5

Tilgore Kraut - April 28, 2008

When you want to make some public announcements then it is not possible to make them all by yourself especially when the same things are to be repeated. To deal with such situations, recorded sounds are being used everywhere. However even with this technique often an issue arises someone cannot find the particular sound file and play it. Therefore, to deal with this problem you can try using Time2Play 1.5. The program supports you with the uncomplicated features that help you to schedule when to play the audio file. It also consists of the features like ‘Expiring Announcements’, sound warning before the announcements, sound fade in/out, etc. It supports the file with MP3, WMV, and WAV formats.

Time2Play 1.5 does not consist of complicated configurations and hence can be easily can be set for scheduling the sound to be played. Make the Playlist of the messages that you can select and easily move on for next. For the message you have been provided with the option of ‘Inert Message’ and ‘Remove Messages’. You can set the Volume for the Messages and Stop them anytime. Talkover and Emergency option are also there. On the right side of the screen your provided with the for Music Track Playlist where you can have the music files selected and scheduled to be played. You can select the music files from the Playlist or from the device as desired by you. Change the volume level to make it clear and loud or have it played as background audio. Set the features with the Sound Options as desired by you and set the schedule of the audio files to be played in the sequence as you want them. Help feature is provided with the program to assist you with the information relating to the program.

{More Info and Download}

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