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Mozilla Firefox for Windows – Latest Version is Out!

O. James Samson - June 26, 2008

Well, the news that everyone has been waiting for with baited breath is finally here! The new version of Mozilla Firefox was released on July 1 and it clearly shows that Mozilla is continuing to amaze with all of the freeware that they release for public consumption.

Firefox was originally a redesign of an older browser component that Mozilla had been using and ever since it was introduced it had really taken off to the point where a significant number of people are now using Mozilla instead of Internet Explorer, a piece of software that remains the majority choice in the overall marketplace. Mozilla is written using XUL language and has all of the modern browser amenities such as functionality in areas of dealing with popup advertisements and download facilitation. In addition to that, it also allows you to browse with tabs in a single browser window and search with higher accuracy.

All of these things combine to make an overall internet browsing experience that is hard to beat and this is why Firefox continues to gain in popularity as time goes by. The latest version of Firefox addresses a number of known issues while at the same time including a few new things, but overall the same Firefox look and feel that people have come to love is still present.

More information is available at

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