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O. James Samson - August 13, 2008

There are many excellent software packages on the market today that make using your computer easier on a day-to-day basis, but few have the absolute simplicity that comes with the Stick program. Stick allows you to actually organize the different areas of your desktop through the use of screen tabs very much in the same way that you would organize a binder with the use of dividers. The only difference is that in the case of your desktop, the tabs represent different programs rather than different sections of paper within a binder.

You can create screen tabs for internet browsing, windows explorer, note-taking and monitoring any RSS feeds that you might have. In essence, you can create screen tabs for all of the different programs that you might access on a daily basis. These tabs will then live on the sides of your screen, allowing you to very quickly change back and forth between the different programs whenever you wish. In a sense, Stick is very much like a super-charged taskbar that is omnipresent on your desktop and for people that use many different programs in a single day, a program like Stick could save a lot of time indeed.

More information about Stick is available at

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