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B Lyrics Mimer

O. James Samson - April 30, 2009

B Lyrics Mimer is a very simple application created to sync lyrics with an MP3 file. The application is based on VisualBasic programming language which means the application will smoothly execute its functions. You’ll be able to play MP3 files in the application while adding lyrics to go with the music.

The interface is very basic. As soon as you open the compatible file, it will start to play the file while letting the user encode the lyrics. The song could be paused at will so that lyrics could be added. There is a volume control for the song and you can drag the progress bar so that you can proceed to the unfinished area.

Syncing is possible when you click on “Start Making Lyrics” button on the application. This part of the application requires familiarity because the lyrics might not be able to sync with the music. But after two to three use of the application, you’ll be able to sync the lyrics without any problem.

The unique feature of the application is the second text box. This text box is intended for translating the lyrics so that the song could be understandable in other languages. However, no translation tool is found so you should add the data yourself.

The output of the application could be played in the same application. You’ll know if the lyrics sync with the song since the words will be highlighted as the song progresses. It’s a very simple application that requires familiarity so that application would be fully useful.

Check it out at

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 30th, 2009 at 2:33 am and is filed under Main. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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One Response to “B Lyrics Mimer”

  1. Kavita Says:

    I have used this application mostly for japanese anime songs.
    Along with the full screen function its great if u wanna understand some foreign language.
    what stress has been put on which line is finally easy to figure.
    Its a little difficult to read japanese fast enough to keep up with the song,but once you get the hang of it,its fun.

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