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Google Chrome (4.0.302.2 Beta)

O. James Samson - January 26, 2010

Google is one brand that has carved a name for itself over the years. Their new browser known as Google Chrome for Windows 4.0.302.2 Beta is not going to be in any way different from what we have always known Google for.

Google Chrome browser is a good browser that does not complicate your browsing experience each time you go online. The browser only has a single box for everything you want to do online. When you type into the address bar, you will get suggestions for any page you wish to search as well as the website you wish to visit. When you wish to access any web page aside from the one you opened, Google Chrome is built in a way to allow you open another tab without closing the one you have opened.

On the other hand, I observed that files that have been downloaded with Google Chrome cannot be renamed. I think Google should have a second look at this. Apart from this, I still believe it is a fine browser. For lovers of Facebook, Google Chrome does not take much of your time before it opens.

Want to check it out? Visit Google Chrome

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