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Advanced eBook Processor 2.2

O. James Samson - September 21, 2010

Advanced eBook Processor is a program created for the purpose of decrypting eBooks in Adobe PDF files protected using standard security method. This program ensures that all decrypted files can be opened in any PDF viewer without unnecessary restrictions; with edit, copy, print, annotate functions enabled. Interestingly, all versions of Acrobat are supported by Advanced eBook Processor 2.2.

Some of the latest changes that can be easily noticed in version 2.2 include; addition of support for Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader 2.2, display of version Acrobat Reader, and ability of Demo version to decrypt 25% pages.

This is not a freeware program, but users can try it out for free when they visit the publisher’s site to download and try it. That means all your decrypted PDF files can be viewed more than it used to be. Imagine being able to decrypt files of all Acrobat reader version in one application. It comes with features that lets you see detailed information such as; name of file, size of file, book identity, author, title of book, publisher, category, number of pages, etc.

You can start by downloading and installing a trial version before downloading it to have a picture of how it works. Not too difficult to understand, but can be a bit technical for some new users.

Want to check it out? Visit

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