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SABnzbd 0.5.5

O. James Samson - November 17, 2010

SABnzbd is a binary application that is written in Python; it is uses a web-interface, which makes it server oriented. Users who install this program on their systems can download from Usenet easily without any problem. With this program, every download can be automatically verified automatically, extract and clean up posts downloaded from Usenet. The user interface is fully customizable, and offers a complete API for third-party applications to hook into.

This is definitely one of the best open source programs I have seen on the internet in recent times; it deserves a lot of kudos. It actually makes downloading of newsgroup files; combining wonderful user features as a part of its attraction. SABnzbd is actually gives much more than most shareware or premium applications around.

SABnzbd 0.5.5 actually works or runs on systems like; Windows, OSX, Linux, UNIX, BSD, and many more. The fact that it is written in Python makes it a program that can work practically anywhere and everywhere. The publishers have also included Web UI, which lets users check their queue status wherever they are.

Virtually everyone can use this program without any difficulty; which makes it one of the best open source programs around. Since it is an open source program, users are also welcome to report and fix bugs too.

Want to check it out? Visit Sabnzbd.

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