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Halloween Night Riddle v.1.02

Tilgore Kraut - May 23, 2011

If you are tired of sitting idle and need some serious addictive brain teaser exercises, then Halloween Night Riddle v.1.02 is the right game for you which has got enough room to engage your mind into some serious application of your logic and intelligence. The complete 3D game is a freeware offering from GAMEHitZone and features a sequential story mode in which the player moves. It is basically a puzzle in the form of board game which offers a full 3D layout.

The first display screen of Halloween Night Riddle v.1.02 has a 2D view, after which the full game is in 3D interface. The colors and graphics are such that the game can run even on a PC with minimal graphics configuration. The game has a story mode which revolves around a Halloween night. The player gets lost in a dark forest, and he eventually enters a haunted abandoned mansion on a Halloween night. The player can come out of the mansion and get back home only by solving thirty levels of riddles with increasing difficulty levels. The game comes with an easy-to-use keys settings as well as a very simplistic mouse configuration. The basic controlling that the player has to do is moving the cube in the puzzle either by mouse or by keyboard. The player has to move the cube on the plates, destroying them, and finally placing it on a violet plate to complete one riddle. The faster the player completes the level, the more score he gets. The graphics and audio effects are decent enough. The game also features a “How to play” guidebook that provides new users a step by step assistance regarding the various aspects in the game.

To conclude with, Halloween Night Riddle is suitable for people from all age groups. Every effort has been made in order to make it more interesting and addictive. Overall, the game is nice time filler with decent graphics and audio quality, despite being a freeware.

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