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MAME 0.146

O. James Samson - May 25, 2012

MAME is a short form for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with an arcade game’s data files (ROMs), it will more or less faithfully reproduce that game on a PC. MAME can currently emulate over 2600 unique (and over 4600 in total) classic arcade video games from the three decades of video games – ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, and some from the current millennium. MAME’s purpose is to preserve these decades of video-game history. As gaming technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents these important “vintage” games from being lost and forgotten. The program is top notch from start to finish; and also means that there are some quality open source programs worth the effort after all.

MAME has always been a great program since it was first introduced online; and this version or update is not any different. The program is still as good as ever, and this goes to show how hardworking the publishers are. MAME works perfectly with joysticks; and the older the game, the better it gets. MAME is an open source program that runs on Windows 2000, Windows 9x, Server 2003, as well as on Windows XP.

Want to check it out? Visit: Mamedev.

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