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ClipTable Beta

O. James Samson - April 25, 2013

Do you want an easy to use application that lets you copy your desired data directly from clipboard into an SQL Server table? Then this review is for you because it says a lot about a simple program that can truly help you out; and that program is ClipTable.

What’s ClipTable?

ClipTable allows you to copy any desired data straight from your clipboard into an SQL Server table. You can easily get data from any source including the following; HTML tables, Word, Excel, Text, PDF, and many more.

ClipTable is out with some new changes and bug fixes that include the following: new drag and drop support that enables you to mark any tabular data and drag it onto ClipTable’s grid; fixed data truncation message in some cases; x64 version is also available online when you check the official website of the publisher; and a couple of other changes.

Also, the special clipboard analyzer automatically determines the accurate delimiters, encoding, field names, and many more with minimum-to-none required user input. The program enables you to save time and connect any data to any server quickly and easily.

ClipTable is an easy to use program that won’t give a newbie any technical challenge when it comes to using it for the first time.

Any downsides?

No downside since it does exactly what the publisher says it does. The program is also very easy to understand, and is free for use.

Want to check it out? Visit Doccolabs.

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