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Alvas.Audio 9.8

O. James Samson - February 15, 2014

As a VB.Net developer, one of the challenges you would have to overcome is getting enough compliant controls written in C# in order to be able to develop or create applications that can record and also play sound. When you are able to overcome such problem, the rest of your tasks become highly easy, and things can start going smoothly as planned. Luckily, you have an opportunity to use a program that is called or known as Alvas.Audio. what is the program all about? Find out in this review below.

Alvas.Audio is a collection of 100% native CLR compliant controls written in C#. The collection allows C# and VB.Net developers to create applications that play and record sound. This version in review has a couple of updates that include the following: added Sox class that allow converts the audio data from the specified audio file type to the new audio file type; and now supports aifc, aiff, au, snd, hcom, voc, wav, gsm, lpc10, ogg, vorbis, wv.

The program’s key features include the following: record compressed audio data: IMA ADPCM, Microsoft ADPCM, CCITT A-Law, CCITT u-Law, GSM 6.10, MPEG Layer-3 (mp3) and others; play mixed audio data; change the speed of audio data; convert the audio data from one audio format to another; and many more.

Any downside?

Alvas.Audio is a nice program; but is designed for advanced users and is pretty expensive to have: single license without source code goes for $499, with source code – $1747.

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