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Planner 5D

Ciaran Moore - May 30, 2014

If you’ve ever wanted to design and style your own house from the floor plan up, or maybe you just like playing with 3D programs? Then Planner 5D, which makes it possible for you to perform these types of things and costs absolutely nothing to use, may be just the thing for you.

Planner 5D is a great means to create, modify, understand more about and manage floor plan projects.

Regardless of whether you’re enthusiastic about making floor plans or perhaps you need to see exactly what your present plan might look like if you changed a couple of things around (such as furniture or even pulling down an occasional dividing wall), you will see that Planner 5D can make it very fast and easy to perform this stuff in a really visual and easy to use way.

One of many functions that you may access in Planner 5D (totally free!) are the capability to produce a brand new floor plan from the ground up (useful for design work, or inputting the actual measurements of your present living area) in addition to using pre-made plans (very helpful to get familiar with the numerous methods of using Planner 5D) along with saving projects for later. There are 2D and 3D settings offered and you may move between them almost instantly, however the 3D views require a somewhat higher powered computer in order to get the most from it.

Additionally, you will have the ability to position and move objects such as furniture, windows, stairs, etc. You will find options to add additional floors over (or below) the 1st floor, along with expanding existing plans to determine what it would be like if you added another room or a garage or anything you want. You can easily switch between using feet or meters as measurements, take screenshots of the particular current view, and also do some virtual landscaping! This software is really comprehensive in its set of features and options. You can install it as a Chrome App if you would like, or simply go straight to the website but in either case you’ll be designing and modifying your floor plan idea in seconds.

Even though the Planner 5D program doesn’t provide you with options like centimeter accuracy or some other micro-functions, it really is one of the most useful and easy applications of it’s type I’ve seen recently and that is certainly saying a lot. I would certainly recommend this for anybody who has any need for floor plans but doesn’t want to have to attend architectural school to have the basics down. Regardless of whether you’re considering home improvement or simply just wondering what you may be capable of coming up with as your dream home, you’re likely to find a great deal of options to get that vision into at least virtual reality with Planner 5D.

Check it out at

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