Writer’s Blocks cures writers block
Phil South - December 11, 2006Writer’s block is the syndrome whereby writers are “blocked“, they can’t write. (Tell me about it) Either they can’t think of something to write, OR and this is a more common cause they have too much to write about. It’s all about information and moving it around, either to stimulate your creativity or to make the job more manageable.
Writer’s Blocks is a unique program; a word processor which also has functionality like a spreadsheet. It manages information in a group of re-sizable blocks that can be arranged in columns or topics. It’s like an Outline processor, but with big blocks of text instead of lines tabbed at different depths. It’s a cool way to organize your text. The next generation of writers software? Well not sure about that, but it’s certainly makes putting all your thoughts in a row as easy as adding up your groceries.
Go to Writers Blocks for more details.
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