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O. James Samson - March 28, 2008

While there are many index photo software packages out there, MyPhotoIndex has to be one of the more impressive ones. This can be deduced by taking into account not only the fact that it is a free piece of software, but also the fact that you can use it as an electronic photo album in order to catalogue and organize all of the pictures that you take, upload or download. All in all, the full photo album functionality is available with this particular piece of software and that is something that has been proven to anyone that takes the time to explore and use this piece of software.

MyPhotoIndex’s focus as a software package is in the tagging and cataloguing of images and there is a lot of support and functionality provided by the program in these two areas. This means that you can not only use it to catalogue and organize your photos to be displayed on screen in the actual software, but you can also tag the actual files so that organizing them in the folders they appear in is easy as well. This is particularly useful if you want to send photos to other people or if you want specific files to be available to you for use online. Not many other photo album programs have this type of functionality and even fewer free ones are able to boast about it.

More information about MyPhotoIndex can be found at

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