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Easy Time Logs Pro 2.2.15

Tilgore Kraut - March 11, 2008

Easy Time Logs is a time tracking, timesheet, and project management software product. It offers a web-based interface with timesheets and a variety of other features and reports.

Pros: Easy Time Logs is a time tracking, timesheet, and project management software product. While it is easy for the individual team members to enter time spent on tasks and the corresponding project, it is equally easy for supervisors to track time usage and monitor the progress of a specific project. As these projects/activities are based on time rates, the customer billing amounts based on the overall billing rate agreed with the customer is easily calculated. Customer invoicing becomes that much easier because the application keeps track of these. All members of your team can record their working hours per client and projects, use a web-based timesheet, and track their time throughout the day. The information is stored in a shared hosted or native database which is accessible to employees, managers and executives of the company. The program has many customizing options to suit the need for a particular organization, the developers recognize that everybody’s need is different.

The user interface is built on the styles of MS Outlook so that adds to the familiarity and ease of use. Consolidated reports can be generated quite easily by the supervisors from this interface. These can be summary reports or detailed ones including all clients, all tasks, all projects.

Cons: Some system messages are a little ambiguous which may due to unfamiliarity of developers with the language. The icons/buttons do not have labels that are shown on mouse over. Not enough system messages either to guide a user. On some combinations of inputs program debug system messages came on, meaning that they are not handled properly, some system messages should handle such exceptions.

On the billing front there are no ways to keep track of expenses chargeable to a customer as well as any traveling expenses that may be due.

{More Info and Download}

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 11th, 2008 at 5:01 am and is filed under Information Management, Project Management, Shareware, Utilities, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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