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SmartSMSFilter Light for Smartphone 1.0

Tilgore Kraut - December 4, 2007

Now you can regulate and control the inflow of short messages that you have been receiving in your Smartphone. It is possible with SmartSMSFilter Light for Smartphone 1.0 software. It acts like a filter enabling you to have the SMS blocked or accepted. The software is required to be shifted to the Smartphone for installating to start with the work. Using the program is easy for anyone as the features are not complicated.

SmartSMSFilter Light for Smartphone 1.0 software saves you from the unwanted messages. You can set different features like to accept the messages with signal, without signal or dismiss the messages. You can set these options for the number that you are having in your contact list and also for the numbers that are undefined. Downloading the program is so much easier and the installation is done by transferring the file to the Pocket PC. The Status Bar would display the current Program State and you can select the option for activating the function.

When you activate the Program State you can control the incoming sms. The sms can be controlled to be accepted from particular contacts that are set in the list. If you do not want the incoming sms to be obstructed by the program you can disable it for freely receiving the messages. This can help you to get rid of the unwanted messages that are sent by the network services. The contact list shows the icon for having the sms disabled or enabled from the numbers. You can have the action applied to all the incoming messages and also can have the messages directly saved to the inbox without any signal. You can change the schedule settings by setting the start time, end time and the week days for it. Customize the option relating to the default message action and selecting contact list format. The help file gives all the information from the downloading to the working of the program.

{More Info and Download}

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 at 7:16 am and is filed under Developer, Mobile, Security, Shareware, SMS, Text. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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