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Vidoop – Goodbye passwords?

Ciaran Moore - November 1, 2007

At a first glance of the name, you’d be forgiven for guessing that this site had something to do with videos. It doesn’t. Vidoop is an online service that aims to let you log in to multiple sites without having to remember a password for each one. The difference between this and other password managers is how this is implemented.

Once you make a free account at Vidoop, (and install the optional firefox add-on), you will be given a selection of pictures with corresponding letters each time you want to log in to a website. You then type the corresponding letters to the pictures that match the topics you have previously chosen such as dog, flower, food, etc.

This aims to eliminate the need to remember passwords in a more secure way than conventional methods such as having your browser remember it for you or using password managers.

It’s certainly a unique idea but only time will tell if its a good one or not! Check it out for yourself here.

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 1st, 2007 at 9:07 am and is filed under Information Management, Internet, Main, Password Manager, Security, Social Software, Web services, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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2 Responses to “Vidoop – Goodbye passwords?”

  1. Lorena Acevedo Says:

    I am trying to sign up with vidoop,I need the right steps to sign qup

  2. christo botma Says:

    is this thing working?

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