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Get Rid Of Troublesome Malware Files With FileASSASSIN

O. James Samson - August 24, 2007

1171225648-1.jpgThe boom of the internet has been good in a lot of different ways, but it has also been bad in a lot of different ways.   One of the most infamous aspects of the internet boom has been the development and subsequent dispersal of spyware, viruses and malware through internet channels and many people have had really bad things happen to their computers as a result of build-up of these specific types of programs.

One of the worst types of programs is malware, simply because it is so difficult to remove.  Well, the difficulty to remove malware files from your internet without expensive software to do so is now gone because of the introduction to the market of the FileASSASSIN software.

What FileASSASSIN does is it uses the most advanced techniques available to get deep down into the modules of the malware.   It then goes ahead and closes any handles in the malware from a remote source as well as terminating processes that you as a user would not be able to terminate yourself.  Without any remote handles or harmful processes, removing the malware becomes a piece of cake.

More information about FileASSASSIN 1.06 can be found directly at

This entry was posted on Friday, August 24th, 2007 at 9:54 am and is filed under Developer, Information Management, Internet, Main, Security, Shareware, Windows. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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