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Archive for April, 2009

Smoke 1.0

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Smoke flash component provides smoke effect, smoke with alpha channel.

Features: If you need to create a combined effect of images, texts and a smoke effect you could use this flash component. The example shown has smoke billowing as a continuous flash movie. Smoke with programmable alpha channel is provided. The example shown has a MOV imported into the SWF file as an FLV item with transparency. On a black display background the billowing white smoke creates an attention grabbing interest. If you want to create mystery and then draw the attention of your visitor at the site, this could be a device to use.

The downloaded package includes all the source code. This is in FLA format. It also contains the SWF as well as the MOV. Add other elements into the SWF to create the effect you desire. The downloaded package opens with Flash 8 and is viewable with Flash player 8 and above. ActionScript used is version 2.0.

Overall: A very niche product. It is specifically for generating this smoke effect only. But then it is the aim of the publisher to sell this component. Could be useful for increasing the stickiness of you site visitors.

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101 Clips Multi Clipboard 6.20

Monday, April 20th, 2009

The Windows clipboard copies once. – 101 Clips copies 30 times.

Features: 101 is a simple multi-clipboard program. You can have it running minimized on the system tray and it’ll keep storing the clips. It keeps the latest 25 stored. The one clip limitation of the native clipboard is not going to limit you anymore. When a clip is to be pasted, all you have to do is restore it from the system tray and click on the specific clip you need. You can work entirely through the keyboard, you can choose a function key to restore and then paste and simply type the key letter against the clip that is needed. If the clip is text, several lines can be viewed and for graphics a thumbnail is presented. The preview can be set to be on top of other windows. It handles all types of graphic clips.

You can capture entire screen or the active window. Prt Scr captures the complete screen. Alt+Prt Scr lets you capture the active window. Individual graphics via Internet Explorer or any other browser and simply copy through right click menu. It can paste graphics directly into the body of Outlook Express emails, there’s no need to convert them to JPEGs and attach with the emails. The interface is like a list in multiple columns that lists the clips. It is the preview function that makes it quite easy to us.

Overall: A very easy to use clipboard that gives you a lot of flexibility in your cut and paste operations.

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StartEd Lite

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Starting an application could take a very long time if the user has too many applications that automatically run when the computer starts. Although this could be controlled without the help of an additional application, a user unfamiliar with the system might disable functions that are important to the system.

StartEd Lite is the application every inexperienced user could consider in speeding up the start-up process of the computer. The application will help the user uninstall applications that are not important in the system or just prevent it from starting up when the computer starts.

Security of the system can also be achieved through this application. The application comes with the database of 150 trojan virus. These viruses are known to destroy the entire system and the application could be used as a shield to these dangerous viruses.

The interface of the application is very interesting. Aside from the standard options you would have in disabling or uninstalling the applications, information about the specific application is added. Color coding is also used in the application so that you’ll know even without reading (although you should) which application is not that important to be started once the computer starts.

StartEd Lite also has a back-up system so in case something wrong happens after you uninstall an application, you can always go back to the original configuration. There is a professional version of StartEd but the professional version is only recommended for business purposes. For home security and personal use, the StartEd Lite should be more than enough.

Check it out right here.

Switch Off

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Switch Off is a very simple application that will help you control your computer. Through this application, you can shut down your computer automatically. You just have to set the timer and the application will take care of the rest. Customizing the application according to your preferences is relatively easy since the application will be installed in the system tray (right side of the task bar). With a simple right click; you can make some changes in the application.

But aside from being countdown timer, the application could be used as a scheduler on how long you should use your computer. It can set automatic shutdown daily or according to your preferences. Aside from shutting down the application, you can also use the application to disconnect internet connection. Restarting your computer as well as automatically locking your computer is possible through this simple application.

The features of this small application don’t end there. Aside from controlling the computer after installation, there is also a web based control that comes with the application. This web interface will give you the ability to control your computer remotely online. As long as you have a decent (even dial-up) connection in your computer, you can remotely control your computer from any browser. A WAP address is also added so that you can control your computer through WAP-enabled mobile phones.

Overall Switch Off is a very small application that could be used in a simple task. But the application offers a wide variety of control options which makes it a must download for busy users.

Check it out at

Count Time

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Count Time is one of the must download applications for those who wanted to control computer use in their network. Families who have more than one computer interconnected could actively monitor computer use in terms of time used. The application could be used to limit the use of computers as the computer will be automatically locked if the time allowed to the user has been consumed.

At first glance, the application looks like a simple clock. The users will see their clock and the time remaining while the administrator could monitor the users in real time. But the application gets interesting if the user transfers to another computer. If the user will access the computer with the same user name and password, the clock from the other device will be updated. The timer will resume even though the user is in another computer in the same network.

The hours allowed could be set by 24 hours, a week or 30 days. The time spent per user and the time remaining are conveniently displayed with a virtual clock that’s actually a pie chart that informs the user and the administrator on how much time was used. (more…)


Friday, April 17th, 2009

This application is a distraction preventing tool for writers. This is a blunt writing application that you could launch instantly and write. With less than 2MB in memory, WriteMonkey is a virtual typewriter that you can use to write without being bugged of italics, bold, wrong spelling prompts and more. Although it requires .Net Framework before it could be used, downloading the framework for this application could be worth it.

The interface of WriteMonkey is very unique. Instead of the interface that you see on MS Office or OpenOffice, the interface is pretty simple. It has a DOS-Like background and the fonts almost look like DOS but could be customized. The choices of fonts are little bit limited but they are geared towards faster writing and easy reading. On the right side of the application you’ll see the first sentences of each paragraph that you have written. They also serve as shortcuts so that you’ll be able to access the paragraph without any problem.

Running the application is very easy. Since it’s very lightweight, you’ll never have any trouble launching the application. Writing is also very encouraging since you will never be distracted.

There are other simple document creators that you can choose aside from WriteMonkey. But what makes this application different is that you can minimize the window. The full screen mode is highly recommended but if you’re researching while writing, the windowed mode is very useful. You don’t even need to install the application. Just click on the .exe file and the application will run.

Check it out at

Q10 Software

Friday, April 17th, 2009

q10Q10 is an innovative application developer for those who wanted to focus on writing. It’s a very simple application that works like a regular typewriter except that you can do it in your desktop. Installing is very easy as the application is less than 1MB in size. A portable version for flash disks is also available so you’ll be able to transport your work to any computer as long as they are on windows.

The interface of Q10 is very simple. As soon as you launch the application, it will proceed to full screen mode. As indicated, this application will help you write which means there will be no distractions. The look of the application is very simple. You’ll have black background and the text will be in white. There is even an interesting clicking sound that emulates the sound of a regular typewriter. Hit “enter” and another typewriter-like sound will be heard. If you have worked on a typewriter during your high school or college years, the sound is nostalgic that it will really help you speed up your writing process.

Since the interface is very basic, the only prompts that you will see are the advisory that you can hit F1 for the commands, word count and character count. Hit “F1” and you’ll see the list of commands.

Commands for opening, creating and saving your work are based on standard MS Office application. The created document will be saved in the same folder of the application in the form of text (.txt) file.

For more info and download visit

LittleFox – Firefox add-on

Friday, April 17th, 2009

LittleFox is a simple add-on to your Firefox browser that will definitely change the way you interact with this very popular browser. The popularity of small laptops or “netbooks” featuring 7-inch screens has made this browser a little bit cramped. Firefox could be integrated with toolbars which are very important but could easily take space in a small laptop. With LitteFox, the browser will be automatically minimized to barebones. Since it’s an add-on, it will require little to no disk space as this will be integrated to your Firefox browser.

After successful installation, the Firefox browser will become smaller in terms of available functions. Shortcuts and notification to some online applications are added such as Gmail, RSS Reader, and StumbleUpon will be available while offline applications such as download status and calendar are also integrated. Basically, everything you need in your browser is there except that the screen will be relatively larger.

There are two downsides for LittleFox. First is that is only geared for very specific users. To be able to fully appreciate what this small application could do you need to have the following: a small laptop (preferably a 7-inch), use the Firefox as your default browser and uses Gmail as your default email application. The second problem in the application is that it’s only being developed by one person that means upgrades and adaptation to the recent version of Firefox may not be implemented fast.

If you’re looking to save some space in your browser, this little application will greatly help. It might be challenging to customize but it’s very efficient in its main function.

For more info and download, visit

Holiday Desktop 1.0

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

After a week-long tiring schedule, isn’t it great to come out of the work stress and enjoy your weekend with the excitement of holiday? Set holiday spirits all around and enjoy your weekend with full of energy. Well, when everything is reflecting the joyous holiday feel, why not your let PC reflect the same? This can be done by sporting various holiday-related themes on your desktop. If you’re looking for some cool themes for your Windows system, then Holiday Desktop 1.0 theme manager application can be useful for you. The utility facilitates modifying the title bars, menus, Start bar, Windows icon, along with adding a cheery calendar, and beautiful wallpaper to your PC desktop by applying a holiday theme.

By using the Holiday Desktop 1.0 you can apply a different theme for your PC desktop. With user-friendly console, the utility comprises of self-explanatory feature-set allowing you to make desired changes to your desktop. On the interface, you’re shown the different system themes listed with left pane, from which you can select and apply any on your PC. Highlighting the provided themes, their previews are displayed simultaneously at right side area. Giving a look to the preview you can easily decide which theme you want to apply to your system. Selecting a theme, you’re required to click the ‘Apply’ button provided below the preview screen. Now, as an immediate effect to it, the menus, start menu, wallpaper, etc are modified according to the chosen theme. However, the utility also associates Help option providing direct access to the online guide on who to get started with the program, system requirements, etc.

The Holiday Desktop 1.0 lets you apply enjoyable themes to spread over the holiday feel on your PC desktop.

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Actual Rar Repair 3.0.1

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

In a bid to share files securely over the web, most users prefer compressing data in RAR archive form. While sending over internet or copying them to another PC through USB or network drive sharing, the RAR archive may get corrupted due to network/downloading/copying errors. In such circumstances, you may loose crucial data stored within it, and thereby thwarting you in a rather troublesome situation. Well, instead of downloading or copying over and over again, an effective way of recovering your data is to repair the corrupted RAR archives. In order to execute the repairing task efficiently, the Actual Rar Repair 3.0.1 stands to be an excellent choice. It’s capable of repairing the corrupt SFX and RAR archives to recover the containing files proficiently.

The Actual Rar Repair 3.0.1 performs the repairing task in an automatic manner, thus freeing users from any technical hassles. It facilitates batch processing of archives, therefore reducing the hassles of selecting individual archives for repair process. Opening with intuitive console, the first step of archive repair process is to load the RAR or SFX archives into the program. You can choose individual or multiple archives, which the program lists with left panel. Now, press the Repair file option from the toolbar to begin the task, immediately after which you’re prompted to specify the target folder to store the recovered files. The progress of the process and its summary is shown with the repair log bar. As the process goes on, the recovered files are simultaneously enlisted at the right side screen area accompanying different relevant details. In addition to these, the tool even associates features to ‘Close current RAR file’, ‘Clear log’, ‘Copy log to clipboard’, ‘Help’, and ‘Changes Options’.

With the Actual Rar Repair 3.0.1 software in hand repairing of the corrupted SFX and RAR archives truly becomes a cake walk.

{More Info and Download}

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