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Archive for August, 2010

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro (32-bit) 7.0.3 (3392.517.1242)

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Agnitum Outpost is the first personal firewall is a program that supports plug-ins. This personal firewall also comes with some sample plug-ins to show how users can deploy this software to good use. The program can be deployed into such task like: blocking of advertisements, content filtering, E-mail Guard, and privacy control. It also basically supports most features majority of the personal firewalls in the market have. It is one of the most effective firewall applications around, and also features some latest security features like Stealth Mode, MD5 Authentication, and Anti-Leak.

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro is a two way firewall that can stop some potentially dangerous access intrusion into your computer. The program has the ability to stop the further spread of malware, providing protection against hackers, and unauthorized access to your computer. Users can also benefit from added feature that lets them safely surf the web without the fear of being attacked by hackers. Users can also benefit from a new feature that allows for data filtering optimization.

The program comes with a 30 day trial period for those who want to try it out before making up their minds on whether to go ahead and buy it. The program goes for $39.95 per download. Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro is worth the price placed on it; at least your system will get enough security backup while surfing the net.

Want to check it out? Visit Agnitum

Microsoft Generic Worker 0.9

Friday, August 27th, 2010

The Microsoft Generic Worker is a worker-role implementation for Windows Azure that eases the deployment and remote invocation of .NET applications within Azure, without making any changes to your existing source code. It is possible to have multiple .NET methods and dependency libraries to be registered as applications and downloaded directly into a virtual machine on demand. Download and installation are both easy and requires only little space on your computer.

The application also provides a sought of command line client, .NET APIs, and a Trident workflow activity to invoke all applications that have been registered. As a matter of fact, it also comes with support for automatic transfer of simple parameters and files between desktop and the virtual machine. Though, the program requires some technical understanding on the part of the user, it nevertheless does a lot of work.

It is actually a new program, and interestingly too, does not consume too much space on your system. Though, Microsoft Generic Worker is coming from a well-known publisher, the program on its own has the capacity to go the length. It works on Windows 7/2002/2003/Vista/ and XP operating systems. At least .NET applications within Azure can be easily deployed and without affecting or changing their source codes.

Want to check it out? Visit Microsoft

Ultimate Boot CD Full 5.0.3

Friday, August 27th, 2010

Ultimate Boot CD Full 5.03 is useful when you need to run floppy-based diagnostic tools from CD-ROM drives. At least it gives you the chance of freeing yourself from all the slow process associated with loading speed of your floppy drive. Apart from that, it can also consolidate as many diagnostic tools as possible all into a single bootable CD.

Among the newly introduced features found in this version are; fixing of ISO filename in pmagic\boot\4dos\grub4dos.lst, updated memdisk from syslinux 4.0.2, updated tools\linux\antivirus\ which stopped working due to a change in URL, and many other a few other updates and bug fixes.

Because of the increasing number of computers that are being shipped without floppy drives these days, users are always faced with the pain of running diagnostic tools on them. This application can be of immense benefit to those who have challenges like this one. Users can also run the Ultimate Boot CD Full 5.0.3 straight from their USB memory sticks. The publishers have included a script on the CD that prepares your USB memory stick so that it used on newer machines that have support for booting directly from USB devices.

When a user boots from the CD, a text-based menu will be displayed, enabling you to select the tool you want to run.

One of the best free boot CD around I must confess!

Want to check it out? Visit

RJ TextEd 6.70 Beta 1

Friday, August 27th, 2010

RJ TextEd is an online based development application, as well as a Unicode text editor that combines features like syntax highlighting, advanced column mode, as well as code folding. The program also has some very advanced and equally good features such as: code folding; auto completion; use of TopStyle Lite as your CSS editor if installed; Unicode file paths and file names; HTML validation, format and repair; FTP and SFTP client with synchronization; Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats; Column mode; and many more.

RJ TextEd is one of the most complete and compact freeware programs in its category. The application can hold its own, and probably compete with some shareware programs around today. For all users looking for a great code and general text editor, they can look towards this one. The publishers have demonstrated how much a program can be improved upon; especially when users make some constructive complains. I might as well rate it a bit higher than some of its competitors, but some more work can still be done to make it even better.

It is not everyday you come across a freeware program that has an email support from the publishers. RJ TextEd 6.70 Beta comes with support for E-mail, and spell checking among others.

Want to check it out? Visit RJ-texted.

Sweet Home 3D 2.6

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Sweet Home 3D is a freeware application that can be used to design or place your furniture on a house 2D plan, and with a 3D preview. It is an amazing application that is surprisingly free, and without limitations. I am always impressed each time I come across programs like this one that can be used to bring some life into your furniture. All it takes is a download and of course an easy installation.

The program comes in many different languages apart from English. Some of the other languages include; French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Bulgarian, Russian, Polish, Japanese, and many others. The software is an open source program that comes with a GNU General Public License.

However, users can only make use of this program when they are online; in order words, you must be connected to the internet to benefit from its features. Sweet Home 3D 2.6 is about the best program in its category that is free for download. With the 3D aspect of this program being one of its strongest points yet; there is no doubt how much use it can be put to by users. The 3D preview is just amazingly delightful to behold!

Want to check it out? Visit Sweethome3D

EF Mailbox Manager 6.00

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

EF Mailbox Manager is a management program for all the POPR Accounts you have. It automatically queries into individually configurable poll time the mail servers or downloads the messages to the local computer for future use. It saves all your e-mails into the picture text files from the mail boxes. It also has a feature that helps you delete or remove spam e-mails straight on the server.

All downloaded e-mails will be saved in ASCII text files and stored in mail boxes for you. If you use the Outlook Express or any other E-mail programs which can open attachments automatically, it is highly recommended that you open the message first in a text editor such as Notepad. This program is very easy to use, and users without much technical knowledge can use it. At least you can easily use it to safely and easily remove all those annoying spam messages without having to download them; this helps to save a lot of time and costs.

The complete package which goes for $13.00 can be downloaded with support for the following languages; English, Italian, Romanian, Korean, Dutch, German, French, Hebrew, and many more. Users can download their trial versions to have a taste of how this program works before going ahead to purchase the complete version.

Want to check it out? Visit EfSoftware.

VideoMach 5.7.4

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

This shareware is designed to convert image sequences from high-speed imagers, 3D renderers, time-lapse photography, stop-motion animation and screen capture applications to video. VideoMach 5.7.4 is also capable of converting AVI, Bayer, Vision Research/Phantom, HAV, GIF, CINE, FLI/FLC, JPEG, JPEG-2000, MPEG, OGV RGB, Targa, TIFF, WMV, WMA, AC3, OGG, XPM, and many other multimedia formats.

Other important uses of this program include; cropping of unwanted borders, resizing, rotating, color fixing, rotating and applying numerous filters, and others. Users also have the benefits of enjoying features that allow them arrange video matrices to display several videos in parallel, clean up noisy dark videos to read license plates, speed up or slow down videos (just like in Television commercials), overlay text and logos, among others.

VideoMach 5.7.4 is not a freeware, but users can afford to download it at $25.00 per software. Actually, this is a fair price to pay because of the numerous features included in this version. As a matter of fact, the publishers have gone ahead to include some new features in this version in review. These features include; fixing of FLIC encoder produced invalid data for large images, fixing of issue relating to distorted picture after free rotate when source file is 8-bit, among others. VideoMach 5.7.4 also comes with an uninstaller.

Want to check it out? Visit Gromada

n-Track Studio 6.1.0 Build 2618 Beta

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

n-Track Studio almost practically turns your computer into a complete studio. It enables you to record and even playback different unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks. It also possesses some great features that let you add audio effects to each track, each of the master, group or aux channels in a very easy manner.

The program also supports features that allow users adjust the effects settings, and consequently lets you listen to the result in real time. Apart from its normal built-in effects, n-Track Studio 6.1.0 Build 2618 Beta also supports third party DirectX and VST 2.0 plug-ins. As a matter of fact, n-Track Studio works very well with most standard and multichannel 16 and 24 bit soundcards at very high frequencies.

At $45.00 per download, n-Track Studio 6.1.0 is about the best multitrack editors around. Some built-in features like: Reverb, EQ, Compression, Auto Volume, Echo, Pitch Shift and Chorus will almost practically turn your computer into a sound studio, and also turn you into a professional sound editor. n-Track Studio can also record, edit and overdub your audio tracks. For all those who would love to burn their audio CDs and create mp3, this program can also come in with some help too.

Want to check it out? Follow this link.

OneSwarm for Windows 0.7

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Personally I always have a lot of reservation when it comes to p2p file sharing on the Internet. I love to keep my system free from anything that would compromise the security and privacy of my system; and I am pretty sure some of you do as well. So, I have not really been a fan of many p2p programs out there for privacy reasons. Considering that OneSwarm for Windows 0.7 is a new program out to do something a bit different, I think it deserves some few attentions. However, that is not to say I am totally against online privacy because this program might just be kicking against private file sharing.

OneSwarm for Windows 0.7 is a p2p application that provides you with some measure of control over your privacy. With this application, you can determine how data is shared or transferred. No more indiscriminate sharing of files and data as many p2p users are already used to. The term p2p takes a different name; this time it is called f2f; friend-to-friend. You share your date openly with friends and those you know openly, leaving out others.

For fans of p2p applications all over the world, they are going to have some big issues against this one. All the same, it is a great idea, and who says it can win some few fans for itself? However,

OneSwarm for Windows 0.7 still helps you to forward your data through multiple intermediaries, sometimes shielding your identity.

Since it is an open source, there is absolutely no harm in giving it a try!

Want to check it out? Visit Oneswarm

NetPalpus 2.10

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Organizing all installed programs or devices on your computer network can be a tough task sometimes. NetPalpus 2.10 is one of those few tools that can be deployed to discover, organize and to some extent monitor devices on your network. It is capable of monitoring the status of your devices, while alerting you via a sound any time it recognizes the availability of any device.

It has features that enables it automatically organize you’re your devices by subnet, and service type. Apart from that, NetPalpus 2.10 also features a tool that can create custom groups to manage them based on what you want, and how you want it to be. You can benefit a lot from its management tools which helps you to create an intuitive network map, as well as other features that provide statistic reports of everything you need to know about your computer network.

Basically, most people find it difficult dealing with issues bothering on network crash; thereby recording losses that run into billions of dollars over time. Some of these network failures could have been avoided or prevented if extra precautionary steps were taken to prevent them in the first place. One of such precautionary move should have been to adequately monitor network devices.

NetPalpus is a shareware program that goes for $39.95, and is well-worth the price; considering what you stand to lose from any network crash.

Want to check it out? Visit Wyvernsoft.

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