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Morpheus Photo Morpher

Friday, March 21st, 2008

Morpheus Photo Morpher lets you change the image of a person or thing into another by slowly transitioning or “morphing” the images, giving the appearance of something slowly transforming into something else.

How it works is, you load your chosen pictures into the program. Now you can add markers to key points in the images, these key points are areas that have similarities such as eyes and facial shape. The more key points you add, the more accurate and smooth your finished morph animation will be. You can then preview the end results and render it in the file format of your choice such as FLV (Flash), AVI video, Animated GIF file, and more.

Morphing is a pretty neat effect when done with the right images and technique, its also a cool way to liven up boring slide shows!

Check out the homepage for some good examples and to download the trial.

Bulletproof Public PC

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

When running a computer that is used by many people. such as at an internet cafe or library, it’s essential that certain system areas and settings are off-limits. This is in the interest of security as well as basically making sure things don’t get messed up!

Bulletproof Public PC does a good job of managing this issue. It can completely disable all access to any local files or settings, while allowing access to only the necessary specified programs such as a web browser. You can choose which sites to allow or disallow from being browse-able and can disable and lock down certain settings and even disable certain keys.

The amount of control it offers over the system is very detailed and can be customized for your needs. This is one program worth checking out if you run a publicly accessible computer.

Check it out at the homepage here

LaptopAlarm – Protect your Laptop from theft

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

This is a neat little program I found for preventing your laptop from being stolen. It’s called LaptopAlarm and that’s exactly what it is. The best way of describing it is, it’s like a car alarm for your laptop!

If you need to walk away from your laptop in an area where it there is a potential chance of it being stolen or tampered with, this is the program for you, as long as loud noise isn’t a problem, as the alarm sound on this is very noticeable! (Be careful not to try this out with headphones!)

You get the options to set it to sound if the AC power is unplugged, the computer is shutdown or logged off, the USB Mouse is unplugged, and/or even if the mouse is moved. To shut off the alarm enter your password that you entered in settings.

LaptopAlarm doesn’t even need installing as it comes as a small exe file and it’s free!

Check it out here

PicLens – Great online images viewer for FireFox

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

PicLens is an add-on for Firefox which improves your online image viewing experience in a really cool way. Once you install it, It can be invoked with one click whenever you visit several of the well-known image sites online including Flickr, Photobucket, Myspace, FaceBook, Fotki, Picasa web albums, Google image search,AOL image search and some others!

You’ll notice that images at these sites now have a small arrow in the bottom left corner. Once you click this, PicLens launches and shows a gallery of all those pictures. This is no ordinary gallery though, its a 3D “wall” of images on a dark background. It looks pretty cool and it just gets cooler, because you can drag your mouse to move along this virtual “wall”. You can even use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out.

Clicking on an image expands it to full screen. There’s also a thumbnails strip at the bottom once in full screen mode. It also adds a small link at the top of your Firefox browser as an alternative way to start it, also you can search these image sites directly from inside PicLens. This enables you to view endless walls of pictures forever if you chose to without ever leaving it!

This is a must have for anyone who views a lot of pictures online, just try it and you’ll understand what I’m talking about. Also, if you happen to connect your computer to a large screen TV or monitor, then this program is a must (and I envy you!)

It was very fast on my computer when i tried (and kept) it and doesn’t seem to slow anything down at all. It only needs to be used whenever you feel like it and only takes one click to get in or out of it fast. It’s superbly designed and extremely user friendly.

Download it and see images and more info at the homepage here.

WetPaint – Wiki made easier

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Wetpaint is a website that allows you to make your own community-driven wiki. The best thing about it is the ease of use, as it’s pretty much fool proof and not complicated. Some wiki sites can have a steep learning curve and confuse a lot of non-tech savvy people, but wetpaint is very user friendly from the start all the way through, as theres no wiki code to learn.

It’s worth checking out if you’ve been thinking about having a wiki type site or community and dont want to worry about hosting it yourself, while also wanting to make sure its very user friendly. You simply click “easyedit” to edit pages and can even add embedded videos from sites such as YouTube.

You can watch some lighthearted videos here which explain why WetPaint is different from other wiki sites.

Check out more details and see it in action at the homepage here or try out the “sandbox” here to see what its like to actually use it.

Need to remember something? Jott it!

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Normally when you want to make a quick note for future reference, it requires some effort. You have to grab a pen and paper, or maybe your PDA if you’re more technologically inclined.

With Jott, all you have to do is grab your cellphone and dial a special toll free number (which you can easily put on speed dial!) You then say who your message is for, such as “myself”, ” family”, or a work group or friends name for example. Now you can dictate up to 30 seconds of a message. This is then transcribed and emailed or texted to yourself as a reminder or to the chosen group.

At the moment its currently only available in the US and Canada, but is certainly an exciting idea which sounds like it could be very useful.

Sound interesting to you? Check out the website and test it out for yourself!

Fix8 – More fun from your webcam

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

Fix8 is a free program for using with your webcam. It allows you to add in “special effects”. These consist of animated objects such as hats, etc, but can also consist of avatars. These follow your heads position so for example you can wear a virtual hat. The avatars face is controlled by your own facial movements. For example, if you wink, it winks, if your mouth moves, it’s mouth moves, etc.

This can lead to hours of enjoyment or just a few minutes, depending on how easily amused or creative you are I guess!

There’s a wide selection to choose from that come with the basic version, which is completely free, with the choice to upgrade if you feel like spending a little money at a later time. You can also record videos for you and your friend’s later amusement.

Sound interesting to you? All you need is your computer and webcam and to go here to see a video example and download it..

IE7Pro – If you MUST use Internet explorer…

Friday, February 15th, 2008

IE7Pro is an add-on for Internet Explorer which adds some much needed features. This add-on makes IE a lot more customizable and usable than it is by default. So if you’re a die-hard IE user, now you can have your IE almost as cool as Firefox (almost! hehe!) as it adds a lot of useful functions.

With this one add-on you now have the choice of several extra features which can each be enabled or disabled according to your own liking, such as:

  • An adblocker,has a good blocklist by default but you can also import a blocklist of your choice.
  • Download manager,supports resuming Downloads and simultaneous downloads.
  • Surf privately. With only a click, erase all the tracks that you left behind while browsing.

Other features include:

  • Crash recovery
  • Super Drag and Drop
  • Quick proxy switcher
  • Enhanced Tabbed Browsing
  • Mouse gestures
  • Hotkey customization
  • Address bar shortcuts
  • Spell check
  • Auto scrolling
  • Auto refresh
  • Tab history
  • Lots of scripts available from

and more, see website for full details.

Once you’ve downloaded it and installed it, you’ll notice a small “e” icon at the bottom right corner of IE, right click it for options and to set preferences.

It’s free and you can get it here, with full details on all features.

Mango Languages- Online language lessons

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Learning a foreign language is a very useful skill to have as, in some ways, it opens a whole world up that would otherwise be mostly closed to you. Thought about it but wondering where to start?

Mango Languages is a really useful site for anyone learning a language or considering doing so.

It comes in free, basic and pro versions. The free version includes 50 lessons and is certainly more than enough for anyone beginning learning another language. You’ll learn over 1,100 common high-frequency words. It speaks and shows phrases that will be useful in real life situations and explains the grammar in a very easy to understand manner. It has clear, easy to hear, audio examples and narration. The interface is extremely user friendly, you can click to repeat the phrase, go back or forward and even click to repeat individual words. This site is gonna be really appreciated by anyone who’s beginning learning a new language.

It currently offers lessons for:

  • Brazilian-Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Greek, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, ESL Polish and ESL Spanish (ESL = English as a second language)

Click here and try it out for yourself, you don’t even have to register to try it out.

LinkStash – Cross-Browser Bookmark management

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Linkstash is a program for managing your bookmarks. It has surprisingly cool and useful features, considering most “bookmark manager” things don’t really do anything too amazing or especially useful. It manages all your bookmarks and works with all the main browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and Opera, very useful if you like to use more than one browser. It also opens and closes with the browser.

It has lots of features including :

  • Dead links checker and updater,
  • Favorites sync,
  • Color highlighting of folders/links,
  • Fields for comments, ratings, etc.,
  • Secure encrypted password safe with automated password control for auto website log-on.

Its even available in a portable version!

I was very impressed with this program, definitely the best bookmark manager I’ve come across yet. Multiple backups, option to encrypt the whole bookmark file, even configure certain sites to open in certain browsers. Lots more features than I can go into detail with here.

Like the sound of it? More information at the homepage here

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