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Archive for the 'Freeware' Category

Unlocker:Delete those stubborn files with ease!

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

tutorial1.pngHave you have ever tried to delete some files or a folder full of files and recieved that annoying message telling you that a file cannot be deleted as it is in use or locked? Chances are you have, in that case, this is a handy little program to have around.

You simply right click on the file that refuses to co-operate and select *unlock* from the right click context menu. This will gives you several (easy to understand) options such as Kill process, Unlock, Unlock all, etc.

This is one of those tiny little programs that you won’t need to use very often , but when you do, it’ll save you valuable time and frustration. It does exactly what it claims to do, no more, no less! Its freeware and you can download it right here.

DeKnop: Freeware Button Creator

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

previewdeknop.pngDeKnop (“The button” in dutch, in case you were wondering) is a freeware graphics editor that lets you create buttons for your web site. This makes it extremely easy as you don’t need any particular graphic designing knowledge.

Its interface provides a step by step way to create simple buttons for your web page, and why not being particularly advanced looking, it could still be useful for people who want basic buttons on their website for web links, navigation, etc.

Some of its features include automatic up/down effects for use in mouse over java scripts,gradients, ability to save button images as PNG, JPG, BMP or GIF(non LZW) format. DeKnop also supports projects, allowing you to save your work and continue on it later or reuse it for other jobs.

You can check it out here.

Artweaver: Free art software

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

27caa69ad70283b46122673f8cd2c8e3.jpgArtweaver is a ‘natural painting program’ allowing you to create art with simulations of real life materials, it has a fair amount of potential.There are a few natural painting programs available, but usually they are rather limited. Most image editing application are geared towards post-image manipulation, rather than creating your image from scratch.Artweaver is an application aimed at artists capable of painting through a pen tablet or directly on to their screen, using a mouse. It has a wide range of brushes and the brush simulation is as realistic as possible, with chalk, charcoal, pencils and other brushes included.

As well as its natural painting, it will enable you to make sketches from existing photos and also add effects to images. It will enable you to import from a wide range of image formats. Its freeware and available here.

If you like this, you might also wanna check out my earlier review of a similar program here.

SendSpace: Send big files the easy way

Monday, January 22nd, 2007 is another website that lets you send or share big files easily. Maybe you have a big file you want to send to a friend, this can be frustrating to send over instant messenger as sometimes it times out or fails and you have to start all over again and hope for the best. As for emailing it, some emails don’t accept files over a certain size or your friend’s inbox might not have space for it.Thats where sites such as SendSpace can come in very handy. You simply go to the SendSpace website and upload your file, it can be up to 300mb, which is pretty generous. You can even add a short note/description to the file, then you have the option to enter your friends email address and it sends them a link that they can download the file from!

You don’t even have to register or anything to use this service.

Check it out at the sendspace website for more info or to try it out!

My ip-address & location

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

ip.jpgHere’s one more web-based service that you can find useful. It’s called My ip-address & location and (yes, you’re totally right) it does exactly what the developers says. For those of you who still don’t get it let me explain… Just a bit 🙂

It is a web service that will automatically look up your IP address automatically, and locate your (means yours computers) current location by using Google Maps. Well, sometimes it didn’t trace you to your home PC showing just the location of your ISP, or the node of your ISP that you connect to. Can you look up other IP addresses? Yes, definitely.

Just try it. It’s even fun (for just a bit though).

FreeCommander: Looking for a better windows file manager?

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

fczipimg_en.pngFreeCommander is an alternative to the standard windows file manager. It comes with a dual pane interface and has lots of great features and tools. This interface can be altered in numerous ways allowing you to fully customize how FreeCommander will look and work to optimize your ability to work freely with it. It also comes with a compression utility which will open up .zip, .rar and .cab files as well as the ability to create .zip and .cab files too. Their ‘Pack’ and ‘Unpack’ utility has many settings and is very easy to use.

This program also has more features such as Copy, move, delete, rename files and folders, Wipe files, Create and verify MD5 checksums, File splitting, File properties and context menu, Calculation of folder size, Folder comparison / synchronization Modification of file date and attributes Folder / program favorites File searching (inside archives too) and more.

Check it out here and oh yeah, its freeware. : )

IE7pro 0.9.6 – A Cool Tool To Improve Your IE Experience

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

87654345678909876545678.jpgIf you’ve started using Internet Explorer 7, then you need to consider getting this cool tool that promises to improve your browsing experience. IE7pro.

IE7pro is an add-on for Internet Explorer 7 which adds lots of features and extras that make your IE easier, more useful, more secure and more customizable.

The new version, IE7pro 0.9.6 which just hit the web on January 12 has these cool changes added to it:

  • Support mouse gestures
  • Fix the 404 bug of ADFilter
  • Improve save whole page to picture
  • Support Drag & Drop images without link

Go and Check it out:, It’s FREE!

TerraIM 1.2.5

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

Here is a nice instant messenger for you. TerraIM

It’s an instant messenger which connects to the AIM and ICQ instant messaging networks using either OSCAR or TOC as the protocol. It uses the wxWidgets toolkit and supports advanced features such as file transfer, logging, and tabbing.

The recent version, TerraIM 1.2.5 released just before the new year has these changes

  • Fix text showing white on white or black on black
  • Add option to keep buddy list always on top
  • Add an option to auto-reconnect
  • Sort the away messages dropdown box alphabetically
  • Fix a potential crash when TerraIM is disconnected
  • Fix the positioning of the remote control warning window
  • Fix blocked buddies showing up when logging in invisible
  • Improve the IM/Profile HTML display to correctly show Windings/Webdings etc
  • Fix the invisibility status checkbox not updating with multiple logins



Dolphin Olympics: Flipper would be proud!

Monday, January 15th, 2007

This is one of those cool little flash games that can keep you happy for a few minutes.
You know the type, the ones you keep saying “just one more go” to and are still playing 20 minutes later when you should be doing something more productive.

You are a dolphin (in the game!!) and you have to do as any tricks as you can in 2 minutes. You can do corkscrews, backflips, tailslides, etc and you can try and beat the records for high jump, long jump, etc and make it to the high scores table.

This is one of those kinda games that is actually entertaining original and a little addicting, so take a break and have fun, its what flipper woulda wanted!

MediaMonkey: Feature-filled music manager

Monday, January 15th, 2007

logo.jpgMediaMonkey is software to help you manage your Mp3 collection, and they sure cater for a large one! They say it can handle 50,000+ music files, but don’t worry, it works just as well on smaller collections!

It includes portable audio device synchronization that allows you to quickly synch tracks and playlists with iPods and other portable audio devices. Its player automatically adjusts volume levels so that you don’t have continually fiddle with the volume control and supports hundreds of Winamp plug-ins and visualizations; or if you prefer, it can use Winamp as the default player.

On top of all this it does much more, It can automatically identify tracks who’s tags are missing and look them up online, it also looks up album covers from Amazon. It can also arrange playlists with ease and rip and burn, for a full list of features check out the site here and you can grab the free version!

I’d recommend this for anyone who’s a big music fan and has a large mp3 collection.

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