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Archive for the 'Information Management' Category

Cinta Notes – Personal Notes Manager

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

How many times do you find yourself having to write down reminders, notes, web addresses, phone numbers etc.? While there is many programs claiming to be the equivalent of sticky notes, but for your computer, these can take up valuable space on your screen and end up being more hassle than they’re worth.

Cinta Notes, while similar to these programs, does it even better. Instead of lots of scattered little squares all over your screen, your notes appear as a list in the program’s interface. It even has a speedy search system already built in to help you keep track of all your notes. This works in this way, as you type words or phrases, any notes that do not match simply become hidden leaving you with just the information you want. It also has hotkeys which enable you to enter information by simply selecting text (on a webpage for example) and using hotkeys to make a note of it. Of course you can also add text directly to the program, if you should choose so. It’s also portable, so you can always have your notes with you!

This program is completely free so if you find yourself to be someone who takes a lot of notes were regularly it could prove to be of great assistance to you.

Check it out for yourself at the homepage here.

RSS Content Generator 3.5.64

Friday, March 13th, 2009

RSS Content Generator is a comprehensive website generator from free RSS feeds (news, press releases and articles) to boost up your search engine rankings or make money with Google AdSense or other advertising program.

Features: RSS Content Generator creates websites and is uploads the content to your web server. It collects contents from free RSS feeds; feeds that publish news, press releases and articles. It can handle multiple web sites, keywords, RSS feeds, RSS sources. RSS key word search is built in. several publishing templates are built in. You can customize easily too. Templates are multi page ones. It can run on a given schedule.

As a webmaster you can manage several web site through this application. Feed items filtering could be quite advanced so that you can choose, automatically, exactly what you want to publish. New news items are added to the site rather than replacing the older items. This helps fresh content to be published often. That helps you gain ranks on the search engine results. That in turn, particularly if you manage to get on the first page of results, drives traffic to your site. Whether you are trying to make money through AdSense advertising or actually doing e-commerce it is important that you are able to get enough traffic.

Overall: Can really help with fresh content. How far that will boost your traffic or let you earn more Adsense revenue or how much conversion you can get on your business site are all dependent on lot many factors. Ability to get enough traffic is a fundamental requirement of course.

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PDF to HTML 1.0

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

PDF to HTML is an easy-to-use software for converting PDF into HTML. The software supports all Adobe PDF modifications. The PDF to HTML converter retains the layout, images, text and formatting of the original PDF file.

Pros: PDF to HTML is an easy-to-use software converter for PDF files into HTML format. The application retains all the formatting, images, layout and text of the original document. The user interface is a wizard that takes care of everything. You start by selecting the input file. Initially the application starts with an example file specified in this field. Browsing tab is provided to ease of locating the required file easily. You can drag & drop the file into this text window too.

Then it is time to specify the output file/folder. By default the output file overwrites the input file specified. However, you could opt to have a different folder. for converting PDF into HTML. If you uncheck that option another text box is enabled that also has a file browsing tab. Start conversion button starts the process and helps the initial file converted. There’s a quit button that can abort the process. The software supports all Adobe PDF modifications. The application does not require Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat reader on the machine you are using.

You do not need any special skills to operate the software.

Cons: The software is version one. But more importantly since everything is automatic, should there be any problem there’s no control or tweak available to get around in any particular type of PDF document.

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Personal Video Database – Movie collection management

Friday, July 4th, 2008

Got a large movie collection you want to keep track of ? With Personal Video Database you’ll be able to do that quickly and easily. The well thought-out user interface and assorted database management functions make it simple to make and manage even large movie databases.

It has powerful filtering, grouping and sorting that will assist you in finding your movies in no time. The program is expandable with plugins and there is already a batch of plugins that come with with the program that can help you call up movie info from various Internet movie databases or other database types.

Another noteworthy features is Loan management, handy for keeping track of those movies you loan to friends and sometimes forget about!

All in all, it makes for a powerful and dependable relational database of your movies and the people related with them, such as actors, directors, etc. It seems to be well supported with an active forum, where the developer pays attention to users.

Oh yeah, its free too! You can get it from the homepage here.

Backflip – Online bookmarks manager

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Backflip is yet another of these great alternatives to bookmarking things locally on your computer. You create an account with Backflip and then add a Backflip button to your browser, now whenever you discover interesting Web pages, simply click the “Backflip it” button to save them to your Backflip account online and Backflip will organize them for you there.

They’re organized in your personal account, which is like your own personal search engine and directory of your “Backflipped” (bookmarked!) pages. These can be shared with others if you’re the social kind, or made private. You can have your top 10 most used bookmarks on your front page for easy access and it also has a feature called “My Daily Routine”, which assists you in visiting your daily favorites.

These online bookmark sites can be pretty useful, as you have access to your bookmarks from any computer. You also don’t have to worry about losing all your bookmarks if your computer should someday crash irrecoverably.

Further info at the Homepage.

SetPay Bill Manager 1.00

Friday, March 14th, 2008

SetPay is a very simple utility to manage recurring online payments.

Pros: SetPay Bill Manager utility helps manage on line payments. Keeping track of payments, particularly those of a recurring due date is a problem. One tends to forget such dates and then payments get missed. One way to avoid such problems is to have a complete table of such payment with all relevant details displayed whenever required. Relevant details would be the amount due, what card might have been used for payment, type of payment-single or recurring and the website at which payment is to be made. Having all these details readily available is a big help in not forgetting a due payment.

The users interface is a spreadsheet like table where the payment details can be added by a add a record button. When clicked on it brings up a form with fields for the required details. There’s a calendar to help with setting a date. Removing a record also is as easy through remove a record button.

Cons: Biggest issue is this program does not have a reminder/alert associated with the payment dates. Without these alerts the listing or the schedules is meaningless as, for various reasons one can forget to even look at the schedule and then one would miss a payment.

Second problem is you cannot set recurrence schedule. One cannot just say that the payment repeats every month or every year or whatever there can only be a note saying this is a recurring payment type.

Overall it is really just a table maintenance program. Without reminders facility having these details in front of you is not much help.

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WetPaint – Wiki made easier

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Wetpaint is a website that allows you to make your own community-driven wiki. The best thing about it is the ease of use, as it’s pretty much fool proof and not complicated. Some wiki sites can have a steep learning curve and confuse a lot of non-tech savvy people, but wetpaint is very user friendly from the start all the way through, as theres no wiki code to learn.

It’s worth checking out if you’ve been thinking about having a wiki type site or community and dont want to worry about hosting it yourself, while also wanting to make sure its very user friendly. You simply click “easyedit” to edit pages and can even add embedded videos from sites such as YouTube.

You can watch some lighthearted videos here which explain why WetPaint is different from other wiki sites.

Check out more details and see it in action at the homepage here or try out the “sandbox” here to see what its like to actually use it.

Need to remember something? Jott it!

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Normally when you want to make a quick note for future reference, it requires some effort. You have to grab a pen and paper, or maybe your PDA if you’re more technologically inclined.

With Jott, all you have to do is grab your cellphone and dial a special toll free number (which you can easily put on speed dial!) You then say who your message is for, such as “myself”, ” family”, or a work group or friends name for example. Now you can dictate up to 30 seconds of a message. This is then transcribed and emailed or texted to yourself as a reminder or to the chosen group.

At the moment its currently only available in the US and Canada, but is certainly an exciting idea which sounds like it could be very useful.

Sound interesting to you? Check out the website and test it out for yourself!

Easy Time Logs Pro 2.2.15

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Easy Time Logs is a time tracking, timesheet, and project management software product. It offers a web-based interface with timesheets and a variety of other features and reports.

Pros: Easy Time Logs is a time tracking, timesheet, and project management software product. While it is easy for the individual team members to enter time spent on tasks and the corresponding project, it is equally easy for supervisors to track time usage and monitor the progress of a specific project. As these projects/activities are based on time rates, the customer billing amounts based on the overall billing rate agreed with the customer is easily calculated. Customer invoicing becomes that much easier because the application keeps track of these. All members of your team can record their working hours per client and projects, use a web-based timesheet, and track their time throughout the day. The information is stored in a shared hosted or native database which is accessible to employees, managers and executives of the company. The program has many customizing options to suit the need for a particular organization, the developers recognize that everybody’s need is different.

The user interface is built on the styles of MS Outlook so that adds to the familiarity and ease of use. Consolidated reports can be generated quite easily by the supervisors from this interface. These can be summary reports or detailed ones including all clients, all tasks, all projects.

Cons: Some system messages are a little ambiguous which may due to unfamiliarity of developers with the language. The icons/buttons do not have labels that are shown on mouse over. Not enough system messages either to guide a user. On some combinations of inputs program debug system messages came on, meaning that they are not handled properly, some system messages should handle such exceptions.

On the billing front there are no ways to keep track of expenses chargeable to a customer as well as any traveling expenses that may be due.

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The Journal 4.1

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

The Journal provides an easy-to-use mix of convenience, flexibility, and security to write, organize, remember, find things from a journal, whatever may be the journaling and writing needs.

Pros: The Journal application makes it easy to keep a daily journal, for both personal and professional use. Writing about thoughts and dreams or work notes and ideas or simply planning notes and decision details this application lets the user write & keep notes about just about anything. The Journal provides an easy-to-use mix of convenience, flexibility, and security.

One can create as many entries as he feels like. Dates get updated, then it is up to the user to add entries, sub entries or loose leaf entries as needed. Categorize the entries to completely custom categories, create them as you go. Helps search them later. Besides text, images could be added to the entries along with date, time, timer count or even a calendar charm. Calendar charms are small graphic icons to liven things up a little bit. The journal can sit in the system tray, always ready, always available and can be totally secure by password protection and encryption.

The interface is an augmented Word like interface. The interface additionally shows the hierarchical structure of the notes, the current calendar and a timer at option if needed. The timer could be set to be a count down one or a stop watch to indicate total elapsed time. These can be helpful with time based work. .Main work area is a tabbed area that shows, besides the journal work area, a notebook, templates, an address book etc. Reminder setting services are available for tasks set up, important dates and such items.

Cons: Notes, tasks and address book functionality are features available with Outlook too. So their duplication here could be questioned. In particularly since you have to maintain an address book anyway with the mail application anyway. But then viewed as an application that is open on the desktop all the time, these do have a place in the journal too.

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